Dositej Serbian Language School

Why Serbian Language & Culture Classes?
By offering a fun and positive experience, we aim to arouse children’s curiosity and interest in their heritage.
While working on Serbian language skills, our students gain awareness of contemporary Serbia and about its path through history.
Our classes make connections between the Australian and Serbian cultures, helping children consolidate their Australian identity with their Serbian heritage.
Our broader goal, beyond the classroom, is to encourage a lifelong learning of languages and culture.

Our Program:
Our classes are highly interactive, up-beat and fun. We only spend some class time at our desks.
Students are grouped by ability, not age. The number of classes depends on enrolments and this is reviewed each term.
Children build up a portfolio of work which they take home and return to class each week.

A language session may generally consist of:
Thematic learning of vocabulary
Games and activities that reinforce language and/or cultural concepts
Learning Serbian children’s songs and rhymes
Exposure to Serbian literature
Learning both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets
Learning and using grammatical concepts in their speaking and writing
Awareness of current affairs, people and related vocabulary (e.g. Olympic sports stars, etc)

A culture session may include practical activities (building models, cooking, drama skits) as well as reading, writing and discussion, to help students learn about:
Daily life in Serbia, today and in times past, including important dates and custom
Geography and tourist attractions
Serbian history in a regional and world context
Art and music from Serbia
High achievers throughout Serbian history

Serbian Culture and Language Classes;
Serbian Play School.
For more information please contact our School Director on